Rassegna Stampa e Ultime Notizie dal Mondo

Afghan maternity ward attackers ‘came to kill the mothers’

Image copyright EPA Image caption Gunmen killed 24 people in the attack, including at least 11 mothers The cold-blooded murders of 24 women, children and babies at a hospital in the Afghan capital was horrific enough. But as Frederic Bonnot made his way through the bullet-riddled maternity unit, he realised something more. Warning: Readers may

COMMENTARY: Treating Liver Disease During COVID-19: New Recommendations

What your doctor is reading on Medscape.com: MAY 14, 2020 — The COVID-19 pandemic presents myriad challenges to hepatologists, gastroenterologists, transplant programs, primary care providers, and, of course, their patients. These frustrations are compounded by the fact that the virus’ impact on the liver is not yet fully understood. In order to advise healthcare providers on

Geoprocessing-enabled COVID-19 map aids resource allocation amid pandemic

A new spatially enabled coronavirus map leverages multiple data models to more aptly pinpoint areas in need of limited medical equipment and resources. Months after the initial cases of COVID-19, the pandemic continues to spread around the globe. During that time, a seemingly infinite scroll of coronavirus infographics and forecasting models detailing ways to “flatten

Rassegna Stampa e Ultime Notizie dal Mondo

Why some ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities defy social distancing

(CNN)The Israeli government knew to expect trouble on Tuesday night. It was Lag Ba-Omer, a Jewish holiday traditionally celebrated in Israel with mass gatherings around roaring bonfires. For the devout ultra-Orthodox community, it is an occasion for making a pilgrimage to Mt. Meron in the country’s north, where the second-century Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai is

10 Toxic Ingredients to Avoid in Personal Care Products

It’s hard to narrow this list down to just 10 toxic personal care ingredients since unfortunately there are SO many. Even products that claim to be “paraben-free,” “clean,” or “all-natural” often hide toxins in their ingredients list. Ironically, sometimes these hidden ingredients are toxic chemicals that are some of the worst offenders! Over a number


Lavoro, i giovani guardano con pessimismo al dopo Covid-19: ecco come reagire

Milano, 14 maggio 2020 – La ripartenza dopo la crisi acuta dell’Emergenza da Coronavirus è iniziata, e il peggio sembra essere ormai alle spalle. Ora è il momento di adottare tutte le misure necessarie per contenere il contagio, pur facendo ripartire l’economia. Il vero fulcro di questa ripartenza, costituito principalmente dai giovani, sembra però essere

Italy Sea Houses Cinque Terre

Circuiti inceppati: Donne, procreazione e vita nel nuovo libro di Barbara Appiano

Torino, 15 maggio 2020 – Barbara Appiano, instancabile fenomeno letterario, ci sorprende ancora una volta con un nuovo incandescente libro, che vede questa volta l’amore parlare in prima persona all’umanità. Il titolo del libro è “Circuiti inceppati, quando l’amore versa in cattivo stato di manutenzione”, ed ha ottenuto il patrocinio del “Corriere dello Spettacolo”, quotidiano